3 Notes:
1. For online app, once I selected the checkbox as [Not a Russian Citizen] the application said I could only apply in-person.
2. Raffeisen Bank is Austrian and facing major pressure from the US gov to lessen it's activity (web search Reuters Raffeisen for details. These kind of changes can take a LONG time to occur, but I'd avoid Raffeisen for opening new accounts. Additionally, I tried to open an account there, and they asked for Proof of Residence (which is unnecessary because I'm not a resident), AND Proof of Sources of Income. The 2nd requirement is absolutely absurd. Bank account statements were inadequate. They wanted Proof of the Sources of Income. I've opened accounts in multiple countries and none even asked for Bank Statements.
3. Employees at banks seem untrained & uncertain as which documents are actually required.
Raffeisen asked for Passport, Immigration Card, Residence Certificate, and Proof of Sources of Income.
VTB asked for Passport, Passport translation into Russian (& Notarized), and Residence Certificate. I told VTB employees “that document is only between Hotels and the Authorities. Tourists aren't involved. Also, I'm not a resident, I'm a tourist”, and pointed to the Tourist indication on my Visa. They then said the Residence document would not be required. But still required:
- Passport ID page
- Passport ID page Translation & Notarization into Russian
- Passport Visa page
- white Immigration Card
To find a nearby service for Translation, I opened maps app and searched: перевод и нотариальное заверение паспорта
Most places charge ₱900–₱2000 ready next-day.