Hello Irena,
This is my first post to your Russiable Community. Firstly thank you for your wonderful website. I have found your up to date advice extremely helpful. It's so much harder now to travel to Russia than my previous trips there.
have just followed your guide to purchase travel medical insurance to Russia. I went to the Cherehapa website. I have completed payment and have received the insurance PDF document exactly as you describe in your guide. When I follow the link in the PDF document to validate my policy (sovcomins.ru/check) the website times out and cannot be reached.
I am in the UK. I have tried it on a Windows PC using Chrome browser both with and without trying a VPN. I have also tried to validate my policy on my android phone.
Please can you advise me as soon as possible how to validate my insurance policy as I need to complete my Visa request. I hope this insurance website is still valid and that I haven't wasted my money.
Many thanks,